Updated FlowStone/SynthMaker to version 3.0.5.Updated BassDrum, Drumaxx, DrumPad, Effector, GMS, Hardcore, MiniSynth, Pitcher, PoiZone, Sakura, Sawer and Toxic Biohazard.ZGameEditor Visualizer: fixed visual issue + other minor bugs.Wave Traveller: fixed loading settings (64bit).Wave Candy: fixed crash when using some metering modes.Wrapper: fixed volume of stereo to mono conversion.Wrapper: fixed crash of bridged Play VST plugin.Wrapper: fixed binary message data handling in VST3.Patcher: fixed deletion of dropped files.DirectWave: fixed temp folder usage when importing external formats.DirectWave: fixed trigger group behaviour across programs.DirectWave: fixed bugs exporting to FLM.Fixed loading settings for some VST plugins (64bit).Fixed filenames of samples used by "Dance with me" project.Added support for Novation Launch Control XL, Launchkey (performance).Commonly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Image-Line\FL Studio 11 So, right-click the FL Studio icon, select 'Properties' > 'Shortcut' tab > 'Open File Location' button. NOTE: To use the update installer you need to know where your current FL Studio 11 is installed.

Here for the update installer (118MB) (8 ) This release resolves bugs reported with FL Studio 64 Bit, so far.Ĭlick here to download the FL Studio 11.1.1 (352MB) We are pleased to announce FL Studio 11.1.1 (32 and 64 Bit).